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Mt Calvary Way Of The Cross Church Of Christ
Youth Discussion
   Discussion: Youth Discussion
Paula Morris · 21 years, 5 months ago

We often find the time to talk to our youth about the dangers of life, such as drugs, bullies, school temptaions, and other things of that nature..however, I think we also tend to forget to discuss a very important topic and that is premarital sex. I think we often run away from discussing the topic because we feel that our Christian youth should be fighting such a temptation and keeping themselves amongst those who are also of the church, but life doesn't run that way for many youth. I also think that we often talk about not comitting the act, but we also often fail to talk about what to do if we have fallen, the act has been committed and we have placed ourselves in turmoil.

I always thought that this would be a great topic to talk about, not to single anyone out� per say, but to inform all the youth on how to be safe if they are having sex and realizing that everyone make mistakes.

Dea. Orlando Davis (anon) Back · 21 years, 5 months ago

The bible teaches� all, no matter what age to refrain from fornication� (pre-marital) sex; see�I Corinthians, Chapter 7.�Yes this is a good topic of discussion. It has been discussed and hopefully the teaching of the bible and the church will guide our youth and everyone. It is also important �to remember that if someone does fall into temptation the bible has a remedy for that as well. The Lord is fatihful and just to forgive! No one who has sinned is without hope- for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.��No sin is worse than another! �But most importantly it is not the teaching of the word or the church to promote or teach safe sex.���The only safe sex is as the Bible prescribes - between a husband and wife.

How do we avoid sex? Avoid the situations that lead to that type of environment. Learn to build the spiritual man. We have to mortify our members and present our bodies to God as a living sacrafice, as the word clearly says.

If you ever feel the need to talk to someone, find a person who is standing on the principles and confide in that person.

Continue to pray for all young people and the church as a whole that we may lift up a standard!

Paula Morris (anon) · 21 years, 5 months ago

I understand and I agree to your insert and your references and I know that the resource of the Bible is readily available at any point and time, but in reference to the statement that was made which states, "The only safe sex is as the Bible prescribes - between a husband and wife"....though that may be true I still fail to believe such a statement for the simple fact that marriages barely last;it's like having a boyfriend or a girlfriend due to the fact that they only last for what seems like 2 or 3 days and then they break up; so what type of example is being made for those who are trying to hold out and resist temptation until marriage? In my opinion there is no example being made becasue many would automatically think to just play the field and not get married due to the possibility of their boyfriend is more suseptable to being faithful than their husband. And please don't say that marriages of the church are a great example of good marriages because saints in the church tend to divorce and do worse than those outside the church. For example, a deacon gets divorced because his wife of two years is not what he expected and his real reason of getting married to her is because of what the Bible says,�"The only safe sex is as the Bible prescribes - between a husband and wife"� , so the marriage is to his dissatisfaction, they get divorced and the deacon ends up marrying another deacons wife or even the pastors wife. This is just�a prime example of how people manipulate the Bible to work for them.Therefore, �I don't think that husband and wife sex is the safest sex because the people don't do it for the right reasons; They don't get married because they want spend the rest of their life with that person, they get married because the Bible says that the only safe�sex is between husband and wife, so the deed of marriage is done so people can think that they're obeying the Bible.

Therefore, I do not disagree with your statement, but I do object unto which the statement was made...I think the only safe sex is abstinence and forever will be abstinence because even spouses cheat.

Furthermore, what about those young couples in the church who have been "spiritually dating" and intend on getting married, but they slip up and have sex before they get married and out of that interaction they produce a child, do you think that they should still get married?

In conclusion, I look forward to your response and please don't think that I'm a devil's advocate or questioning God's word and will I just want to express how I see things and�get feedback on�those things that other youth are too scared to say out loud...I want to get a better understanding.

Erica Johnson (anon) Back · 21 years, 5 months ago

I have been reading these postings and initially decided not to respond because I felt the need for the officials of the church to respond to Paula's�first posting.� However, I feel as though we need the input of�another saved youth member of the church who is not "too scared" to speak up. I agree with Paula in that the only safe sex is abstinence; however, I disagree with you trying to condemn other members of the church.� No man is perfect and yes God does forgive.� I think we have enough examples of good marriages in our church which our not based on sex, that are based on love and commitment. And yes spouses do cheat but you're talking as though every couple in this world is having marital problems.�There are happy marriages out there. I don't know where you are and what type of people you are seeing, but I think it is wrong of you to associate this type of behavior with all people in the church.�

On the subject of premarital sex, I think Deacon Davis did a good job of explaining this. I don't think it's�the place of the church to teach youth how to have safe sex, i.e. using birth control and condoms.�The answer to this is simple: abstinence. I'm�disappointed because I think that we have discussed this topic in church enough for us�all to understand it. �And it seems as though we're always being brought back to this subject.�And I don't think that some of the views that are expressed should be posted over the internet. My solution, too,�is to go�to the pastor, or the missionaries and deacons who can better help those who don't understand.�And the best solution is to PRAY about it. God will reveal it to you.


Anonymous (anon) Back · 21 years, 5 months ago
Yolanda Williams Back · 17 years, 3 months ago


Hello, I was surfing for churches in the area and just came up on this topic.  I must say that I am appalled but not surprised at the responses I have seen thus far.  It's a shame that even in the year "2003" the year the email started up until "2007" that we are still oblivious to the fact that there are curious youth out there.  Why can't we seem to get past the fact that everything can't be solved by the bible?  We say pray but can prayer be so effective that when a child of God asks a question, the first thing we do is say "PRAY".  In these days and times, yes - we MUST pray but they need to hear the real thing.  WHY, do I need to wait to have sex?  Well, for one there is disease, chances of getting pregnant, or worst.  WHO, WHEN, WHERE, etc. are what we as a church should address.  Parents, teachers, schools, neighbors, the world, ECT. should have a say in protecting kids from this.  It shouldn't matter how many times we talk about it, at least we know that people are listening and they want to know a more in debt TRUTHFUL answer.  I just hope for these girls, maybe young adult women now, have realized that it's much more to it than prayer.  

I agree, staying abstain is the best way, but there are still temptations.  I don't think that she was saying ALL members in your church are fornicating, cheating, lying, ect. or they are all having marital problems; she was saying "CHURCHES PERIOD!!!".   Comon' PLEASE don't be ignorant to the fact that we don't see, hear or know of someone (in the church) that have problems.  Every marriage has their share of problems!  I'm quite sure the pastor and his wife have had their share.  And if they didn't/don't, well they should be in the book of world records.  We are all human, we all make mistakes but GOD is the ultimate judge maker.  You do what you want to do when you want to do it - no matter who you are!  God blesses us each and everyday we wake up in the morning, it's up to us to keep the faith.  If you (Mt. Calvary) are basing everything you know on "just prayer", this is definitely not the church for me.  I think you all should reevaluate the way you teach your youth and church the will and way of God.  Grow up and get into the year 2007 going into 2008.  If you continue to think this way, your kids will be forever taken advantage of.  Peer pressure is a killer amongst youth these days, I know first hand.  I’m not saying don't pray but don't make them think this is the ONLY way to solve their problems because that's what it seems to me and I'm in my 20's.  Peace and Blessings to all.

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